Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark

Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark


dark choc peppermint bark for recipe


Chestnuts roasting on an open fire… Jack Frost nipping at your nose… yuletide carols being sung by a choir, and folks dressed up like Eskimos…

Merry Christmas, everyone! Today, I have the easiest, most scrumptious recipe for you. It is a family favorite: Peppermint Bark! And, only two ingredients are needed to make this treat. I can’t even contain my excitement!

Now, I know I haven’t posted a new recipe in a while. I am so sorry! I just finished being in a musical, so I didn’t have a lot of time for baking. Even when I am not posting on the blog, I am still cooking! If you follow me on Instagram, you can see all the yummy things I’ve been cooking up, and the ingredients I love.

So, back to the bark: ’Tis full of creamy, rich chocolate, topped with crunchy, minty goodness! Sound good? Heck, yeah! Let’s go make some!

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Dark Chocolate Peppermint Bark

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It is a family favorite: Peppermint Bark!


  • 1 cup dark chocolate (chips or chopped bar)
  • 3 organic candy canes, crushed**


  1. Place your chocolate in a double boiler on high heat, until it is fully melted. Stir until smooth. Let the chocolate cool for a few minutes.
  2. Line 2 large plates with parchment paper, and spread the chocolate thinly and evenly onto both. Sprinkle the candy cane pieces evenly on top.
  3. Place the two plates of bark in your freezer (on separate shelves!!). After about fifteen minutes of freezing, remove the plates from the freezer, and break the bark into bits with your hands. I like non-uniform pieces of bark, because I think they look rustic 😉 Enjoy, and store uneaten bark in the freezer!


  • **To crush the candy canes: Unwrap your three candy canes and place them in a small ziplock baggie. Outside, place the sealed baggie on the ground, and whack it a few times with a rubber mallet (or hammer), until they candies are broken into small chunks. Do not crush the candies so much, because you don’t want them to turn into powder!

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