5 Habits to Help You Feel Great

Lately, I have incorporated a few new habits into my daily routine that have made me feel SO good! It’s amazing how making tiny shifts in our lifestyles can have such a profound effect on our health and well-being. We don’t have to go on an super intense diet or exercise routine to feel good–sometimes, it’s just a subtle change that has the greatest impact.

So without further ado, here are the 5 things I’ve been doing every day to feel amazing. I encourage you to incorporate each one into your life, too!


1. Drink a giant mason jar of water every two to three hours. Infuse your water with lemon wedges, a drop of your favorite essential oil, mint leaves, or berries, if you have trouble drinking plain water. If you’re out and about during the day, drink your water from a huge water bottle instead (such as a Hydroflask!)

Why: Water is so good for our bodies! It makes our immune system strong, helps our skin look clear and fresh, flushes out toxins in our body, and gives us more energy. I like drinking it from a large mason jar because then it’s easier to drink a lot of it at once, without refilling every few minutes.

2. Leave your phone on airplane mode one hour before bed and one hour after waking. This habit has completely changed my days. Instead of being hooked to my phone right until I fall asleep and checking it right after waking up, I have more time to unwind before bed and more time to wake up slowly in the morning.

Why: The blue light emitted by our phones (and laptops, and TVs) completely disrupts our sleep. So when we’re on screens right before bed, it makes it much harder to sleep. It’s important to keep phones on airplane mode during the night, too, so they’re not emitting radiation right next to our heads. The morning part of the practice is more a personal preference–my day so much more peaceful when I don’t start it on my phone!

3. Add at least one form of healthy fat to every meal. Sautée your veggies in avocado oil, toss your salad in olive oil, put avocado on everything, eat grass-fed beef, devour salmon for dinner, make eggs for breakfast, snack on walnuts or macadamia nuts… there are SO many delicious and simple ways to add more fat to your diet!

Why: New studies reveal that fat is not our enemy; it’s actually our best friend. Healthy fats fuel every cell in our bodies, power our brains, and keep us satiated throughout the day! Read more on the benefits of fat here




4. Soak up sun first thing in the morning. Right after you wake up, go outside to soak up some sunshine for fifteen minutes. You can sit, stand, go for a walk, or even do some yoga! Now, you might be thinking, I don’t have time for that in the morning! I encourage you to make the time. Set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier and make it happen, because you’ll feel so much better if you do!

Why: Getting sunshine in our eyes right after waking up helps improve our sleep by getting our circadian rhythms back on track. It can also speed up our metabolism, strengthen our bones, and support our immune system. Plus, this 15 minute sunshine break is a great mindfulness practice that helps us recharge before a busy day. And remember, our phones are on airplane mode while we do this, so it’s a tech-free break!

5. Go to bed earlier. This one is by far the hardest to put into practice! Like a ten-year-old, I am still reluctant to go to sleep at night, because nighttime seems so exciting! But throughout high school, I’ve realized that the more sleep I get, the better I feel. It’s as simple as that. Now, I know most of us can’t choose to sleep in whenever we want, but we can go to sleep earlier. Try getting eight hours of sleep each night, and see how it makes you feel!

Why: Getting eight to ten hours of sleep regularly helps you perform better athletically, do better in school, have better overall health, and increases your lifespan… need I say more? 

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